Tips and FAQs

Using MultiprocessIterator

If you are using MultiprocessIterator and communication goes through InfiniBand, you would probably face crashing problems. This is because MultiprocessIterator creates child processes by the fork system call, which has incompatibilities with the design of MPI and InfiniBand. To cope with this issue, we can use multiprocessing.set_start_method to change the way to start child processes:


Both forkserver mode and spawn mode should work. Please also refer to our ImageNet example, where MultiprocessIterator is used. Unfortunately, multiprocessing.set_start_method is only available in Python 3.4+. Therefore you need those recent Python versions to use MultiprocessIterator.

Using Your Own Evaluator

Method create_multi_node_evaluator can also be used for customized evaluator classes that inherit from Specifically, it wraps the evaluate method and returns the averaged values over all workers. Please also refer to our ImageNet example, where a customized evaluator is used.

Using MPI4py Communicator

ChainerMN is based on MPI4py. For advanced users (e.g., those who want to parallelize preprocessing, create custom extension, etc.), we encourage you to make use of MPI4py communicators. Let comm be a ChainerMN communicator, then you can obtain MPI4py communicator by comm.mpi_comm. Please refer to MPI4py API reference.

Using FP16

FP16 (16-bit half precision floating point values) is not supported in ChainerMN as of now.